Rachel believes in generating pleasure to reduce suffering. She’s created innovative programs around the world that have been scientifically proven to prevent violence against women while also improving female sexual agency, increasing trust and intimacy, improving emotional regulation and lowering levels of depression. Rachel’s work is being scaled by NGOs, governments, corporations and religious institutions across three continents.
She recently left her position of 6 years building and leading the design and innovation team at the Airbel Impact Lab, the International Rescue Committee’s innovation unit, the largest in the humanitarian sector.
Rachel is currently advising intimacy start ups, speaking about pleasure and building a company that will help men increase sexual pleasure for women.
Previous work includes designing the user experience for LinkNYC, the public communications network that brings fast Wifi to millions of New Yorkers, improving medical adherence among high risk pregnant mothers in Kakuma Camp in Kenya, the largest refugee camp in the world, and redesigning the entry experience for the Museum of Modern Art in NYC. Rachel was also a professional dancer. She has a BA from Columbia University and a Masters in Transdisciplinary Design from Parsons School of Design.